Love is a bond between two people that brings more joy and happiness than anything else in this world. And once shared is no longer able to officially break. Yes, they might fall out of love…but the bond that was created will always hold a piece in the others heart, even if it were but a thin string.
Unfortunately, when that love is sometimes faded out, one of the two still holds on to that string and tries to make something of it. They might tug…give some slack for a moment…then pull yet again and try to hold on to that which is not sufficient enough to keep either party happy. So one fights…is it honorable…maybe, but not when the one being fought for is over the situation. This situation then leaves the one fighting in a whirlpool of gray matter that leads them to nowhere. The thought of romanticism or chivalry is blinded and only a matter of loneliness and them reaching for anything they can grab a hold of. All the while drowning them in confusion and misleading emotions.
Love is definitely something to be fought for. It is beautiful, it is pure. And in circumstances where it needs to be a battle, the two involved must be willing to fight for it. Then bringing both of them to a higher state of love and understanding. It leads them to stronger ties and unbreakable vows. True love will strive through dark, thick forests and land mined fields. It can conquer anything. Yet, the second one decides to fight for their own, by themselves, and forget about the other…the clasped hands then break, never to be held together again. So for the one to continue to wander in darkness…hoping to find the one that is running from them, as cute or honorable or whatever it may be, I find it ridiculous and stupid. It is demeaning to the one fighting. Fighting for something or someone that’s no longer cares is a black hole sucking energy and time and produces nothing but more black and emptiness.
Love should be found together. Love should last together. If one fails to feel this then the love is betrayed. The love is gone. No one should fight for the lost one. For it will only lead them to continue being alone and become the one who is really lost.
Whoah whoah whoah, Michael. I had no idea... This blog is great!! The mix you made is pretty great, too.
Don't EVER settle.
I love the part at the end that says love should be found together. We should work on that :)
Oh my goodness. I love you!
mike mike has a blog... love it!!
wow. i love this. sometimes hard to hear but so true.
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