As I try to express certain feelings, I become aware of the difficulty in portraying the exact emotion or feeling through this pen. The human being has been given the ability to feel, and with such a sense, then, is able to act upon those feelings and direct their character to a desired location. The stirring emotion within us will drive our passion to expected or unexpected outcomes. Love is the main force in which drives us to do most things. To try and explain love, I am faced with the same challenge as to explain how life and everything pertaining to it exists. Love for money, fame, or whatever else cannot even be introduced into the same category as loving another human being. Such a force is compared to the unexpected, unchangeable force of weather. When it happens, there is nothing you can do to stop it. To find it, one would risk his own life, betray close ones, or challenge the very force of God. Or so this is what today’s film has brought us to believe. Is true love only found in books or film, basically meaning our imagination? Does the human heart urn for something unattainable? Does true love exist? Would one be willing to have his heart so vulnerable to another, that if the loved one were to break it, the heart itself would question reason of life and give up? I find love to be reached in thought and transformed to undying love. How many knights in shining armor go to the very pits of hell to find or save their damsel? I have yet to have met one. However, real life seems to contradict the imagination and gives to us real love. The feeling, or true emotion, of real love does exist. It’s what drives mankind to reach happiness. Those who continue in their false beliefs are then led to a life of solitude and sorrow. One has to work at finding it. They have to put themselves in a vulnerable state and accept what happens, strengthening with each scratch or tare, growing with time. True love does exist. It will drive one to extraordinary ends. It is the ambition that drives the soul each new day. Where is this love? Our Father in Heaven will guide you to it with each law obeyed, with time…his time. My heart longs for the true feeling in which explains my lack of careful and meaningful description. I only know the taste of love. Yet enough taste to make me long for more. To perform the unexpected. To enjoy life by knowing the good will come. Faith brings love, love brings purpose, and understanding our purpose explains life.
I love how you explained it. It is so real and so true, yet I still feel as though I have only grasped the tiniest hint of what it really is. It's true that in His time, it is given. That may be why I cherish the bit that I have so much.
I love what you said Mike. Love is a wonderful thing, yet I still feel like I don't fully understand everything that comes along with it. You are so amazing and you are such a great example to so many. A lot of your words touched me and it has even helped me!
I didn't want it to end!
True Love can and WILL be found, in due time.
After 10 years of loving the same man and sharing with him everything that I have to give and the trials and pain we have endured together.................He is my Knight in shining armor - they do exist!
Man, I got a little teary. I really appreciate you Mike Hanks!
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