I've had a little thought i'd like to share. Some words of advice...which just so happen to deal with just that. Advice. This concept has intrigued me for the last little bit as I have received much, as well as have given some in my day.
Advice is something everyone thinks they are good at giving, which they just may be; however, at times, it is the very last thing one wants to hear from a person...even in a time or sorrow or hurt.
Everyone is ready to tell you this or that, that they know how you feel, that time will heal all (one of my most hated phrases...cause, OF COURSE I know that in time things will be alright. Life isn't meant to be miserable and sad. I know everyone goes through crap. I know that one day we all will be happy. I have faith in this. A lot of faith. I just don't want to hear it when at the moment life sucks).
Now, don't get me wrong. Many times we ask for it and certain advice is very much needed and helpful. But honestly, what is it that everyone is really asking for? Its for someone to just LISTEN. Someone to vent to, cry on or just whatever. And then after all the chaos has settled, you can look at the other person and smile and say nothing. Knowing you both have had crappy days. Knowing you both have been sad. Just being able to have some listen will solve it all. Just say I understand, I am here for you and hug it out.
I know I have plenty to say when it comes to relationships. But, does that make me an expert in relationships? NO! Does that make me understand what you are going through? Maybe. Bottom line is, whatever I have to say is BLAH BLAH BLAH, I've been through this and that and some more blah. But all I am really saying is, "I understand...I have had some crappy days in my life to, do you want me to tell you how I got through them?" Now, the words I speak may be comforting. But its the actual listening that does the trick.
Our culture is prone to it. We pray to God and tell him our thoughts and and our feelings. Believing and having faith that he is listening. Do we hear Him talk back to us? Does He give us council? Does He give us advice? Not really. What He DOES do, is comforts us, He calms our soul, He gives peace to our decisions, these and other similar feelings let us know it will all be alright.
Now, don't get me wrong. I 100 percent believe that God gives us revelation. That we do receive advice from scriptures and prophets and leaders of the church. And these things can be answers to our prayers. We should seek these things out constantly. But in my experience (here's my advice) I have come to love and cherish my Heavenly Father who ALWAYS listens to me gripe, cry, laugh, and share my life. He doesn't tell me any story about his life, or back when he had this problem. He just listens, and it is so comforting to know that he does. And I think we should all take a lesson from His example. That when someone needs someone to talk to...let them talk, forget about yourself for a moment and just listen. This will make a world of difference. This is what most of us really want.
Am I right?
Also, If someone ASKS for advice, well then by all means, spill your heart out...but make sure thats really what the person wants to hear.
Also, also: Do you like that this whole posting was me giving advice. HA! I make myself laugh.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Your Loss
I don’t think you’re listening, I don’t think you’re here
I think your eyes are blinded, you’ve never shed a tear
Your heart must be so empty, your soul must feel alone
The day you cut me from your life and left me on my own
But I don’t think it matters, the hurt that I now feel
For on the morrow I will stand, and say it’s no big deal
And I will soon forget the past, gracious for what we had
The loss of you will cease to ache, for I’m no longer sad
Monday, November 8, 2010
Mere Reflection
I see the pain in your eyes
Of lonely days, of troubled lives
To feel nothing, to feel empty
I see you running in the sea
The vast array of nothingness
Has brought you to your very last
No demon now can bring you down
You've found your hell, received your crown
To live for nothing but hopes and dreams
Leaves distraught thoughts and broken seams
Your gaze is blinded by too much noise
And space and time and child’s toys
Something better must be near
But first must break this stupid mirror
Friday, September 10, 2010
You lay in bed, forget the truth
You curse that which is done
You lost your hope, that inner fire
You cannot find the sun
You meekly smile to those around
You fake to seem more true
Your passion fleeing, desire is gone
Your struggle isn’t through
You cry and cry, while all alone
You harvest forlorn fear
Your exhausted grip about to break
Your bitter end seems near
You forgot about your one true friend
You forgot about the Son
You forgot about His loving hand
You forgot what He’s done
You need to use that small seed
Your faith begins anew
Your trust in Him brings new light
Your burdens are made few
You understand His purpose now
You start to shed a tear
Your heart is healed when you allow
Your soul, His love to rear
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sorry I haven't posted in a while
But I am sure you'll get over it
Violets are blue
Sorry I haven't posted in a while
But I am sure you'll get over it
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sometimes we feel backed up in a corner
Beat up, ignored, made fun of and more
Or even alone we may often times feel
And wonder why we're in this lonely ordeal
Then maybe progression you think you may see
But pushed down to shame, and again feel empty
Your strength is tried, your weakness is shown
While no hand seems near as you stand all alone
The struggle is hard, you may lose your might
Cause everything good seems far out of sight
Pleading for help in hopes someone will hear
Yet done so in shame for no answer you fear
Your faith seems to grasp on your very last string
Not understanding what this trial will bring
But faith and persistence will always be right
When do so in virtue, you soon will see light
So stand-fast and pray to Him who you know
For He's always there and helping you grow
Monday, April 12, 2010
Let us not forget the way
That brought us to our knees
When we were in our sorrows
And begged our Savior please
And when His love filled our life
To lighten our heavy load
It also brought us needed peace
And cured that which was woe'd
Then when our aches and troubles
seem to bother us no more
It's then we feel the love of Christ
Of which we've known before
So whether times are hard or not
Remember what you've felt
The Savior's help you pleaded for
all those lonely nights you knelt
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Emotionally Dead
As I sit here restlessly
Why must I take life seriously
For life just seems to fade away
My heart is cold just like my bed
I find myself emotionally dead
Doesn't seem to matter how much I pray
Dreams are turned to nightmares
Images of you, my heart it bares
The loneliness of you no longer by my side
I long for you, that's all I know
Even though you hurt me long ago
Only heaven knows of how much I've cried
Trying to think of all the bad
To rid these feelings of being sad
Yet you still crowd my every thought
How is it you still bring me peace
When it's you I should want the very least
Time to throw out what was taught
No way should I make a move
I couldn't bare once more to lose
The girl, the girl who has my heart
I should say 'had,' but it's not true
No more lies, for I am through
Doesn't matter since we'll always be apart
It's not fair for me, of the next one
That I will love and bear my son
The part of me I won't ever get back
So back to bed to think of you
And remember how you called me Boo
My better half is exactly what I lack
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Live the GOOD Life
Our short lives just keep getting shorter and shorter with each day we live. How did we do today? Are we closer to God or hell because of the choices we made? Unfortunately, hell days exists. However, thankfully, our hell days may be forgiven us with enough faith to believe the great miracle of forgiveness and be cleansed. That when the final night comes we can say, "It was a good day Heavenly Father. A good day."
I have never quoted anyone else on my blog.
Today, will be that day.
C.S. Lewis wrote the following...
"In our present state you cannot understand eternity. You can understand a likeness of it if you say good and evil, when full-grown, become retrospective. All this earthly past will have been heaven to those who are saved. And all their life on earth will then be seen by the damned to have been hell."
"That is what mortals misunderstand. They say of some temporal suffering. No future bliss can make up for it, not knowing that heaven, once attained, will work backwards and turn even that agony into a glory. They say of some sinful pleasure, let me have but this and I will take the consequences. Little dreaming how damnation will spread back and back into their past and contaminate the pleasure of their sin."
"Both processes begin even before death. The good man's past begins to change so that his forgiven sins and remembered sorrows take on the quality of heaven, and the bad man's past already conforms to his badness and is filled only with dreariness."
"And that's why at the end of all things, when the sun rises here and the twilight turns to blackness down there, the blessed will say, 'We've never lived anywhere but in heaven.' And the lost will say, 'We were always in hell'...and both will be right."
Be good! Sin is sorrow and will never, EVER bring happiness. Our Savior has provided us a life to live as if we are in heaven! DO NOT PROCRASTINATE THE DAY OF YOUR REPENTANCE.

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Resisting Right
How is it that we find ourselves so distant from the top
And find the courage to move on, yet then decide to drop
Once again upon the cold ground, no lower we can go
It seems a little easier here, yet here we cease to grow
Our friends above throw down the rope to help us in our climb
Yet we refuse, no help we need, by thinking there's still time
And if we stay in this despair our progression has found an end
Then we'll realize were all alone, this agony our only friend
We look above and see dim light and curse our current state
But we can only blame ourselves and hope it's not too late
On our knees we finally fall, for forgiveness we will plead
"I'm sorry, dear Lord, I’ve lost my way, it’s you I really need!"

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